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The next step is to treat the wound and the skin around it so it has the best chance to heal.

1) Clean your wound

Clean hands and clean skin help prevent infection. The box has hand wipes and hand soap you can use to clean your hands.

2) Burn Gel

It is normal to think a wound needs to scab over, but when the injury goes deep in the skin, it is important that it heal from the inside out and the edges in. You can apply this burn gel directly to the wound to prevent it from drying out. Keeping the tissue from drying out is an important part of keeping it healthy enough to fully heal.

3) Antibiotic Ointment

The next ointment to apply is the antibiotic ointment. This petroleum based ointment locks in moisture and protects against infection while also assuring the bandage does not stick to the wound.

4) Adhesive Remover Pad

If there is any sticky adhesive left around the edge of the wound from the old bandage you can remove it with the adhesive remover wipes. Do not put this on the wound directly as it has alcohol in it, which will burn.

5) Bandage

There are also some clean, dry bandages you can use to dry the skin around the edge of the wound as you prepare for the next step of covering the wound.