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The first step is to clean your hands and remove the bandage.

1) Clean your hands

Clean hands and clean skin help prevent infection. The box has hand wipes and hand soap you can use to clean your hands.

2) Remove your bandage

When you change your bandage for the first time, there may be some dried blood or drainage that can make the bandage stick to the wound. This can be messy, so there are some things in the box you can use:

3) Gloves

You can wear the gloves to protect your hands.

4) Chucks Pad

You can put the blue chucks pad down to keep things clean.

5) Bandage

You can cut away the bandage with the scissors, especially if they are wrapped around an arm or leg.

6) Saline

There is a clear plastic container of saline, a diluted clean salt water mix, that won’t cause burning like water will. If the dressing is stuck, get it wet with some saline and the soaking will make it easier to pull off.